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The Roadmap
Just a way for me to plan what I want to do and be able to stay focused. Finished things will be struck through; then eventually removed altogether to avoid clutter. Only after deleting something old will I be adding newly planned stuff - so I don't end up under a pile of backlogged, unfinished articles (which is the main point of The Roadmap). For the readers, you can use this to roughly know what happens next (don't expect everything going by the script - but I'll mostly try to follow along, haha)
First of all, fuck the news that will just get buried the next day with another pile of shitty news. Just an easy way to sap my energy and motivation! Much rather work on big articles that will stay relevant for a long time (or forever if I just keep making small modifications, like when a new addon appears or whatever). This way I can also stay more creative, instead of being dependent directly on what some big news corpo shits out, to which I have to reply with the exact same stuff I've already elaborated upon in my essays such as Technological slavery and Capitalism will die - but will it take us with it? Any news piece I would write about, I can just cite in support of a big article's thesis and still stay in control. With that in mind...
- Finish the fucking How capitalism ruins everything article already, holy shit. Probably all current sections could be expanded. Now for the environment, and then if I don't come up with some other stuff that capitalism ruins, I will finish the article with "How would it look like without capitalism" section.
- ONLY AFTER THIS IS DONE I will start writing a new article - Refuting Libertarianism. Just another ideology promising freedom (and not actually delivering it), similar to Freetardism. Except this time it concerns real life so it has much more potential for harm. I have other article ideas, but this will suffice for now - got to stay focused!
Heh, as expected I strayed off the course ^_^. I wrote a new article about search engines since startpage's rampant censorship annoyed me and I wanted to bring it down a peg. Kinda don't have motivation to finish capitalism article for now, but there's a lot more to add to it still. Not sure I will tackle libertarianism just yet as well. So just ignore the roadmap I guess - I'm not a person to rely on strict plans...